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City of the Fallen (Dark Tides, #1)

City of the Fallen - Diana Bocco Top 3 things I liked about the main character. Of the two main characters, I'll pick Isabelle. It was easy to connect with her. Sometimes, I felt like she was in over her head and she had brought disaster on herself. But then, she was out to save the world (or what is left of it) and I felt her compassion. She knows her stuff. Loved the lab scenes where she shares her insights on blood types. Third thing I liked was how she felt torn about her relationship with Marcus. For me, this is what made her the most human.
Which secondary character resonated most with you and why? Miles. He's the faithful butler of sorts who sees all, hears all and knows all but says nothing unless he is asked for an opinion. His loyalty is to Marcus and Marcus alone.
Cover. Loved it more than I loved the ending. The darkness that surrounded the embracing couple was exactly what happened in the book.
Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.